This article first published by National Park Service
Manassa, CO (August 20, 2019) – Three National Heritage Areas in three Western states released a documentary that explores the historical and cultural connections between their areas. “Hello Neighbor” premiered during Pioneer Days in Manassa, Colorado, a town whose history embodies the story of the San Luis Valley as a multicultural crossroads along the Old Spanish Trail.
“Hello Neighbor” is the latest episode of Discovery Road, a long-running documentary series produced by James Nelson for the Mormon Pioneer National Heritage Area in Utah. Sangre de Cristo National Heritage Area in Colorado and Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area in New Mexico both collaborated on this project as well--making it the first time three National Heritage Areas (NHAs) have worked together on such a production. If the response to the premiere screening in Manassa is any indication, the collaboration was a success: more than 350 people placed orders for DVD copies, according to Monte Bona, Executive Director of Mormon Pioneer NHA.