Crash Course: Amateur Astronomy with Tracie Beuden
This video is being provided by the International Dark Sky Association during their 2020 International Dark Sky Week that was held online during April 11 - 11.
"Join us for a crash course - Introduction to Amateur Astronomy! Learn the basics of navigating the night sky from your own backyard."
Here are some of the sources and resources mentioned in the video:
Starwheel - from the Amateur Observer's Society of New York Inc.
Solar System Scope - Free Oline Model of Solar System and Night
Stellarium Astronomy Software - Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
NASA Moon Observation Journal -"Spend the new month getting to know the Moon. Set aside some time each day to look at the Moon. Record your observations in the log provided on the back of this page. Once you have completed your observations for the whole month, answer the questions below.
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