November 11th, 2018, marked the 100th anniversary of the ending of the “Great War”. Now called “Veterans’ Day” to honor all veterans, this day was originally called “Armistice Day”. The Germans realized that they had no chance of winning the war and asked the Allied Powers for an armistice or agreement to stop the fighting. This was signed on the 11th day, of the 11th month at 11:00 a.m. The Treaty of Versailles was signed the following June.
Rio Grande County had many of their young men and women serve in this war in various capacities. So that they are not forgotten, Rio Grande County honors them this holiday season with three memorial trees decorated with the names of those who served. The staff's research has found community members who have not been listed before. One of these brave young men was Frank Chavez, Jr. who died in France. He was found while during research in the San Juan Prospector. This is an ongoing project and more names may be found.
The stories of these men as being compiled through resource being done by the museum staff and will be placed into notebooks to become part of the permanent collections at the Museum. If anyone has a story of a World War I veteran to be shared, please contact the Museum.
The exhibit of “WWI: On the Home Front” is also featured through November and December.
For more information, please contact the Rio Grande County Museum at 580 Oak Street in Del Norte or call at (719)657-2847. Facebook can also be used to contact the Museum and remember to like us on Facebook to stay in contact with the Museum happenings. Hours are Tuesday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.