Rio Grande County Museum will host Angie Krall, Forest Archaeologist for the Rio Grande National Forest, with a presentation about the on-going research at the Bunker Site (5SH614) a high potential paraje (camp) associated with the Old Spanish National Historic Trail (OSNHT) in Saguache County. The presentation will emphasize the unique assemblage recovered at the site.
The Bunker site is a 16 acre area that was discovered several years ago by ranchers, Bob and Shirley Bunker. It is located at the foot of the Sangre de Cristos on the East Fork of the Old Spanish Trail. Excavation and research have revealed that the site may have been used for over a thousand years.
The traveling display currently showing in the Rio Grande County Museum was developed by Lorrie Crawford and Anita McDaniel, Director of Ft Garland Museum.
Wade Collins will also be at the Museum during Covered Wagon Days as the featured artist. His paintings and sculptures will be on display through the middle of August.
His paintings are actual life experiences and his art work is a way of keeping the memories. He celebrates his life with his art and enjoys a life style that the rest of us may only dream. He loves the mountains and his studio is nestled in the heart of the Rocky Mountains.
Collins will be at the museum on Saturday, August 5th after the Covered Wagon Days Parade. The Bunker Site program will be at 2:00 p.m. on August 5th.
For more information, please contact the Rio Grande County Museum at (719) 657-2847; email at and visit the Rio Grande County website and the museum's Facebook page.