The La Vereda del Norte Chapter and Colorado's other chapter, were instrumental in encouraging the U.S. Congress to declare the Old Spanish Trail a National Historic Trail, which occurred in 2002. About a dozen chapter members have served as officers or committee chairs of the national association level for 2 to 10 years each.
Projects in Progress
We are working on two projects that could use your suggestions! Please!!
1 - A foldout brochure for tourists (and citizens of our area) that describes the West Prong of the North Fork of the OST. We have waited and debated too long; tourists have no guides to this part of the trail.
The Ute people allowed Spanish citizens to pasture animals there. Others could seek routes to gold and silver. We know that Comanches raided here, Zebulon Pike spent more time here than in any other part of Colorado. The Governor of New Mexico used it as a getaway with stolen food from the Taos Pueblo. We know that Kit Carson, and other trappers and scouts, used it for various purposes. Travelers to southern California were also reported to have traveled on this route.
Our OSTA chapter seems to agree that the west side of the Valley is part of the Old Spanish Trail history. So, why not do what many other trails groups have done? Use our own resources and knowledge to give visitors special, rich experiences to what our chapter leaders are persuaded is part of our history. outsiders can fiddle in discord while we tell visitors the stories of the history of this area with greater flexibility and strong leadership. We can even include ancient rock art, prehistoric animals, geology, and more current tales.
We will need signs (with Conejos, Rio Grande, and Saguache counties). We will need about 10 or more rest stops (most are already there). We'll need collaboration from highway departments and BLM/Forest Services trail managers. We can seek collaboration from schools, universities, scouts, history societies, photographers, town and county officials plus citizen involvement.
This is not rebellion. Many Chapters on other parts of the trail have shown their understanding of their "side trails" without the official NPS involvement and done so effectively. This may enrich the communities and give visitors a different slant on the NPS story of the Old Spanish Trail's history.
Would you please make a response to these ideas and let us know that you may help advise us or lead us. Send a simple note to or 89 Fir Drive, South Fork, CO, or 719-873-5239.
#2 - We had at least 4 field trips and several other events scheduled from this past year. Those who attended were quite generous in their expressions of pleasure. We would appreciate your wishes for 2018 activities, topics, places to go, people to meet, skills to learn, historic places to see, and other activities, please scribble a note to us @:
Ken Frye, president -
TJ Mendez, VP -
Lynnea K Cook, secretary -
Suzanne Office, treasurer -
Doug Knudson, editor -
Want to become a member of our chapter that's just $25.
Make your check out to: La Vereda del Norte-OST
Send your check to:
PO Box 213
Del Norte, CO 81132-0213